Susan K. Call

Powkantan Point, Ohio, USA

People Who Give

Someone gave us a cow, who would have given us milk
But he didn't know how.
And they gave us some homemade bread, but we couldn't lift it, it was lead.
They gave us a wonderful fur coat when I smelled it
I knew it was made of goat.
The diamond ring that was on my hand was made from the finest glass in the land.
The drinking cup that sets on the three legged table came from the royal stable.
They said that this would bring us good luck.
But the two left shoes that are my feet was the prize that can't be beat.
A man once gave us some land, the land was quick sand.
A women gave us a horse, lamb of course
Don't take from the people who like to give.
Life is too short and you what to live.
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