Rascal the Bard

October 3rd, Libra
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I "Would"! (English [Shakespearean] Sonnet)

I "would" weave You love’s softest, warming dream,
with gold and silver ribbons threaded bright;
around it, gently wrap a silk moonbeam,
that you may ever glow within its light.

I "would" make you two combs, so very fine,
from tiny pearl-lit shells picked from the sea,
with stars above to add their spark’ling shine;
to place them in your lustrous hair from me.

I "would", then, lay us down beneath tall pine,
upon a bed of grass ’n clover green,
partaking of your bouquet’s vintage wine;
to make of you my precious loving queen.

I "would", then, use that gent’ly wrapped moonbeam,
to live with You ⁓ that softly woven dream⁓*

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