Norena M. Jones

Detroit, Michigan


Brutality is aberrant
And not something we inherit
Brutality can lead a person to a day that's bleak
And not to a higher peak
Brutality leaves a bitter mark
And the one that hits, do not know the way in which to walk
Are you being beat, kicked or even hit
In your house, on the street, or in the alley where the ground is wet and slick
By someone much stronger
Not knowing if you can bear the pain much longer
One hit is one too many
And if you don't leave you'll be getting plenty
You were elegant and had charm
But now this person is doing you great harm
Before you know it you're left to die
You cry out for help asking yourself why
Is this the person I love
But because of them you have a tombstone that say beloved
People that carry out these acts of violence today
Need to understand that brutality is not the way
This is a terrible sin
But will brutality ever end?
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