Joe Duvernay

Frazier Park, California

A Woman In The Mild

Could give you all my salt,
But you'll not like results!?
It's a mess!
Gold, yours
Life and wild, gone!
A decent way to behave as though
Earth could sustain us all indifferently
'Tween seen and what would rock-the-house.
Soon spectacular wreathing array
A spot of spectacular
Frame team expecting some how-the-moist-came;
Claim nothing,
But in evidentiary laying
Line the walls with gifts, prayers even
To her a woman in the mild.

Copyright 2002 Joe Duvernay. All rights reserved.

Degraded textures.
Lost bits
Ones and O's
Makes bytes gone...
   That lost the tops of everyword
in a sentence.

Saw and 'L' lose its base.
Data do degrade!
I saw it!
Once when 'yep!'
Was 'maybe!'
And more lost and angry
One would not want to be, nope!

Copyright 1977-2002 Joe Duvernay. All rights reserved.
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