Darlene D. Thompson

Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Out Of Me

Like a blossom, something within me opened.
Out of me seemed to flow a running sap of living waters.
Out of the uttermost part of my being came words of life,
Out came something unspeakable, better written than spoken,
Only God in His infinite wisdom could have created it
For out of the depths of my very soul and spirit
Came my most deepest, most intimate expressions
Beneath a holding place of attainable dreams and visions
Was an untapped reservoir of endless possibilities.
From a repository of unlimited talents and abilities,
My potential was now being excavated and unleashed
From deep within, my purpose was being disclosed
I yearned for something from God, something out of me,
Something of my own to inspire, to encourage, to uplift, and
To illuminate even the darkest places in the lives of others
God promised if I could think it, I could have it
And in His own time, out of His heart to mine,
He planted, He watered, and He cultivated my gift
Like rose petals unfolding, He caused it to blossom
I blossomed and out of me came... Me
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