Christen Kuikoua

March 01, 2007
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Apocalypse's Overture: Ascending From Hell's Abyss To Heavenly Glory

In the Apocalypse of Hell, a warning strong,
Of destruction and judgment, where dark throngs,
Where eyes that sin, must cut to save,
To seek the path, the righteous pave.

Hell's inferno starts on Earth's domain,
A consequence of tongues that stain,
But just like seeds that die, then grow,
In Heaven's realm, our souls will know.

Live right on Earth, embrace the light,
For those who stray, their seed takes flight,
To Hell's domain, their home will be,
A place of torment, eternally.

Sodom's sin brought God's just wrath,
But Earth survives for the faithful's path,
Repent, repent, the Kingdom's near,
Rapture awaits, judgment's fear.

Daughters and sons of perdition, beware,
For doom and pain, their fate they share,
In abyss and fire, they'll reside,
A consequence of their sinful pride.

Yet daughters and sons of Zion's grace,
Shall live in Heaven's holy place,
In the new city of Jerusalem,
Forever in God's love, they'll swim.

Jesus spoke of Hell, a warning true,
For those who choose to sin and rue,
But God designed Hell not for His own,
But for the devil and angels overthrown.

Fear not God's judgment, find a way,
In His grace, forgiveness lay,
Man wasn't meant to perish, 'tis true,
But live with God, forever anew.

The Book of Revelation, visions unfold,
The heavenly throne, a sight untold,
Seven seals and trumpets sound,
The wrath of God, the Earth's ground.

Angels, beasts, and battles fought,
The Lamb of God, salvation sought,
The 144,000 sealed, secure,
The multitude redeemed, ever pure.

A little scroll, a mighty plan,
Prophetic visions for every man,
The witnesses' testimony, bold,
Their resurrection, foretold.

Heaven's triumph, the kingdoms transformed,
Christ's reign in glory, His light adorned,
The woman, the dragon, the beast's domain,
The victory of God, in His reign.

Seven plagues, the bowls they pour,
God's wrath on Earth, a tempest's roar,
The judgment of the great, the fall of sin,
The marriage feast, the saints brought in.

Satan bound, the millennial reign,
The final judgment, no more pain,
The lake of fire, the wicked's plight,
New Heaven and Earth, eternal light.

The river of life, the tree of grace,
Eternal blessings in God's embrace,
In the Apocalypse of Hell, we see,
The path to salvation, so clear and free.

Let this poem be a testament of warning,
To seek God's grace, in faith be adorning,
For in the end, Hell's destruction shall cease,
In God's love and mercy, we find our peace.
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