Arthur Guiterman

1871-1943 / United States

Youth and Age

Bersi, the champion, famed in his day,
Agèd and bedridden, drowsily lay.
Halldor, the baby, the grandfather's pride,
Cooed in his cradle the pallet beside.
Recklessly rocking, the cradle fell o'er;
Halldor, the baby, was cast on the floor!
Strengthless to succor his torment and joy,
Bersi, the champion, sang to the boy:
'Lorn, by the fireside helpless we lie,
Grandchild and grandfather, Halldor and I.
'Youth' is the ailment that hindereth thee;
'Age' is the sickness that conquereth me.
Weep not, O grandson, but bravely endure;
Time is thy healer- but what is my cure?'
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