Ric Edwards

Kankakee, Illinois

Out In The Open

A bright, white light might
Set your deeds aglow
Showing those who know you best
Where your care dare lie
If their chance glance does not enchance
The image they have of you,
Step back and whack the slack
You have allowed to attack your actions.
Eliminate the bribed bait.
Cover the secret lover.
Shrift the unmerited gift.
Delete the incorrigible cheat.
Clean the sullied scene.
Plead the rightful need.
Forget the undercover bet.
Fill the bill correctly.
Purge the urge to kill.
Make your take legitimately.
Reprove the move obscure.
To remove that which
Will hurt your image under the light,
Only you can make the change,
Only you can rearrange,
Only you can disembroil
And set to rights again.
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