Reynaldo Casison

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Lovely ladies hymn, Exquisite lady with cabaret fan

She sways her deep lavendar cape,
gently with an exquisite flourish,
finely cultivated,
by a shimmering waltz,
of vintage and modern eras,
A fine wine sensuousness,
emanates from her curves,
From her leather riding boots,
To her sweet brows,
Her lavendar kissed eyelids,
Like melodies of loving rhythms,
Upon damp and warm,
moonlit lake waves,
accentuates her sparkling iris corset,
And her Beauty is honey,
Like the way she sweetly hums,
She leans with her beatific gaze,
Upon her feathered cabaret fan,
With our adoring majesty,
As Exquisite candles like hymns,
In ethereal groove,
Glow with midnight solace,
exotic delights,
sweet heavenly warmths
Reynaldo Casison
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