Reynaldo Casison

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Given Her your Love

You Should have Given Her your Love,
You Should have Given Her a Kiss,
When she Longed for One,
And You Shared a Sweet Bliss,
And Now its her you Miss,

You Gave her a Bouquet,
When she would have been thrilled,
Like Ms.Parker with a Single rose,

Sometimes the Balladeers,
Need a Cigarette break,
And a table for Summer tea,
Sometimes they need,
a Cigarette, some Sweet tea,
and Croissant brunch,
You Should of given her your Love,
When her Love was Carefree,

You Should have Given her your Love,
With all the Stars up above,
She like You and Me,
We all long for some Sanctuary,
You Should of Given her that Exquisite kiss,
With a Single rose,
That Swayed for Forever,

And now you Still have You,
And she Still has her,
She doesnt need Fur,
And you Shouldnt feel Blue,

Perhaps Someday,
Together you'll be,
Just Letting it Be,
Letting things Be,
With the Moonbeams,
That glow,
Heavenly Sunrays that flow
Reynaldo Casison
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