May 06 , 2005 - Singapore
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He was the rebound , not me .
He was the one that persistently insisted on letting him into my life ,
Write letters for me to be his wife .
Even when I told him I'm still healing from my ex ,
But nothing had prepared me for what happens next .

Just like any guy , he charmed me with
Fragrant flowers , love letters and fine dines .
Promised me to love me forever ,
Be there whenever ,
Oh , how naïve I was to believe "forever" .
I let him in .

From such a sweet guy he was ,
He became a total nightmare .
Everything only became unfair .
" She is just a friend " , he said .
My heart was filled with resentment and confusion .
Is this just delusion ?
He made me feel like I was stuck in a square room with just a window .
Left with the door lock , and just nowhere to go .
He said I was dramatic and insane .
When all he gave me to feel was pain .

Soon enough ,
He became someone who shouted at me ,
" Did your parents raise you this way !? "
And that was what made me infuriated and got me to go astray .
I never was allowed to speak to any male beings .
For the first time I felt the most neglected thing was my feelings .
Often , he'd make me overthink the girls he sees .
I felt so insecure that even when he held me in his arms , I no longer felt safe .
For the first time , I looked in the mirror and hated the image reflected onto it .
It gets so tough that I could forget to eat .

" Who's that girl ? " I asked calmly .
" She's just a friend , stop being controlling " He shouted .
All my friends told me , that this was nothing but just another lesson .
Hoping that the torture will lessen ,
I ignored the outsiders whom I thought were just jealous .
He'd say that i don't cherish the relationship , but little does he know what it was to me is precious .

One day , I got tired and talked to male .
And the next thing i know I called him to no avail .
Soon enough , we discussed and said that we'd run back to each other once we're healed .
But in 2 months time , it was revealed .
He had been cheating ,
Constantly lying ,
In the 3rd month , there he is with the girl whom he said " She's just a friend " .
I was the rebound .
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