May 06 , 2005 - Singapore
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" When you look at them , you will remember where you have gone wrong "
I will always remember what he said .
It was what caused my heart to ache .
You have been present , but absent .
Could you be like the old days when you were sweet and would make me laugh 'til my tummy hurts ?
Where you would smile when I used to draw vibrant artworks ?
" Dear Diary ,
I know I don't hate him entirely .
What confuses me is how I feel about this .
Where is the him that I reminisce of ? "
I know he tried ,
I cherish every moment where I see him a few minutes every day .
But , when I look at my childhood pictures and videos, I question ,
" Why did you change ?
Why couldn't it stay this way ?
Why did you give me bruises instead ? "
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