Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Freedom as goal

Freedom is that endless and transcendental goal, which is possible to achieve only by becoming yourself, and the Path of Magic begins precisely with the feeling of one’s lack of freedom - limitation: limitation by laws and orders, limitation by life and death, limitation by oneself, limitation by gods and spirits, in the end – limitation by the desire for absence of limitation

There are two fundamental ways to overcome this limitation - to become nothing, and then nothing can be limited by nothing, or to become everything, and then nothing can be “not me.” But any infinity is limited by the presence of individual unfree “Endings” in it, and any zero is limited to “non-zeros”, and perhaps the result is the same, but the practical ways to achieve it, as well as the stages of movement, differ

It is now fashionable to believe that a Buddhist who achieves Enlightenment and a Reintegrated Brother of the Rose Cross who has passed through the Tree of Life and entered the Infinite Light above it have essentially reached one state, or perhaps this state is another option among an infinite variety

All known descriptions of the Spirit, and the absence of its descriptions, are just an echo, a weak wind, unable to convey to us anything except our own gravitation - the gravitation towards Freedom, because understanding that even in the broadest absence of restrictions there is a limitation by this absence, we can “ to go there, not knowing where, to find something, not knowing what.”
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