Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Fear is an acquired phenomenon

Fear is always an acquired, “learned” phenomenon, and you can “learn” to be afraid of almost any object, without exaggerating anything, because Fear is induced by the environment, for example, a very small child is not afraid to touch fire, fall from a height, but then the child begins to be afraid of something that you yourself have not encountered, but from which other children or adults come into fear or even horror (fear of snakes, mice, spiders, etc.)

In addition, with age, a person withdraws into his own world, and those interactions that were natural for a child begin to seem frightening to an adult, since they violate the unambiguous plane of his world, and as a result, in adulthood, a person is literally filled with fears

It is clear that fear is, first of all, a reaction to the unknown, and - the world, a phenomenon full of the unknown, where every second step leads through the darkness

Realizing that the World is based on Mystery, that nothing can be said about anything with complete certainty, that “the world is not divided without a remainder by reason,” a person comes face to face with the unknown, and therefore with the source of fear and, without pretending that “it’s not scary”, however, you must try to maintain sobriety and steadily move towards your goal
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