Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Evocative and Invocative magic

Will is a potential vector of the world process, the transfer of this vector from a potential state to an actual state is the realization of will, and since the world process is affected by many wills of different strengths, this process is a constant struggle of potentials trying to manifest themselves, and the more effectively the will is realized , the more magical its implementation

With all its diversity, magical approaches are grouped into two fundamentally different movements: evocative magic is a set of ways to achieve the realization of one’s will with the involvement of forces that are forced to fulfill a desire, and this direction is characterized by high efficiency, but strict dependence on the correctness of the ritual

And also Invocative magic, which is based on non-violent interaction and does not have such mandatory implementation, however, the results are much more fundamental and free from possible side effects

Only that teaching that affirms the primacy of personal will and personal experience can become a fruitful basis for magic, because it puts above all else the individual Path of the individual, which, however, must be supported by Tradition
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