Kristin Susan Bethell

Nassau, Bahamas

The Eye Of The Hurricane-The Calm Before The Storm

This deep, quiet, awesome stillness over the land has settled in
It is almost like a dream come true.
It is so quiet, still, and peaceful- powerful
Within and without.
This flat calm with no wind hardly blowing- no movement
Nothing stirring to disturb.
Four days and four nights now so still and peaceful.
It is surely God's Holy presence I feel come down.
In a still, small voice God is speaking- His voice I hear and know
He is calling for the last curtain call before He returns - soon.
On the horizon I have heard and hear rumblings as though
Something great, big and wonderful is about to happen to the world,
Jesus Christ- the King of Kings is soon to return- sooner than we think.
There is a heavenly presence, an increase in angelic visitation
An air of jubilee- great expectancy.
There is a calm before the storm.
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