Joy Steele

Mount Prospect, Illinois


Being tired, I lay down and I slept.
While sleeping, I dreamed.
In my dream, I heard a voice call.
It seemed quite near, but not near at all.
As I cautiously looked around
An ill-defined figure appeared and said, "I am in need".
"In need of what?" I asked, "Where is your need?"
"From where have you come? Where are you going?"
And she said, "I am in need."
"I want to help, I truly do, there must be something I can do."
"Tell me, when are you most in need?"
And he said, "I AM in need".
"I want to find a time, a way, but there are many things to consider when I schedule my day."
Then others came from far and near and cried, "There is no exit from need, you hear?"
All around me, "I am in need, I am in need", they said.
Then I awoke in my comfortable bed.
Somewhat disturbed by my strange, short dream,
I got up wondering about that which I had seen.
I looked in the mirror, and what did I see?
I saw NEED looking back at me.
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