Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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My New Home On Chestnut Street

My name is Roscoe...
This is my very own poem...
I recently moved to Chestnut Street...
To my very own new home...

I belong to Josie and Henry...
They’ve moved here with me, too...
We’re excited about our new home...
It has two patios, who the heck knew...

I will miss all the familiar smells...
In my old hood where I walked each day...
But I look forward to my new adventures...
The chance of a new canine bouquet...

Maybe I’ll make new friends...
With all the doggies on the block...
Maybe we’ll have lots of play dates...
And chase cats round the clock...

Maybe we’ll find lots of new bones...
Digging big holes of the neighbor’s bed...
Maybe we’ll bury old shoes...
Underneath the neighbor’s shed...

I can’t wait to walk along Chestnut Street...
With all the new adventures waiting for me...
It’s going to be the best neighborhood in the world...
I’ll leave my scent on every new tree...

© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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