Jayesh Goyal

11 December - Mumbai
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Her Six Yards of Sensuality

Her sweet innocent looks, put me in a state of reverie - draped in a sari, she looked spectacular and gorgeous
The six yards of grace, sophistication untouched, redefined the word 'femininity - it covered her beauty with all its layers, yet oozes the oomph and call for glares
With nimbus clouds of fantasies as pen, the universe as canvas – I attempt to describe the girl in the sari
Her eyes, brighter than the blinding flares of the midsummer sun - filled with sensation and curiosity, longing for the unknown, desperate for illumination
Eyes so wide, so deep, filled with delicate roses - elegant as the flowing dress of the goddess Aphrodite, filled with passion, with fantasies, with desire.
Oh, rose addicted lips, cruel and beautiful, whisper her desires and deliberate - what does she deride more, the ache or the release?
Exposed nape of her neck - indented & erotic - it whispers, quietly sings a sensual song
Vapours from her oxters rose all around like musk-infested mist in fairyland tropical forests
She caught me and whispered to me - stop your navel gazing, there’s a world exploding out there
So icy hot is her music, as her symphony resonates, ooh la la ……
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