Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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Founding Father of Science

The scientist may assert there is no God,
While the sunset fields bloom goldenrod;
Yet, report of mystery dimensions unseen,
And multiverse based on vibrating strings!

But real proof of God rests in the heart.
If faith is genuine, He will never depart;
Like a return of cherry blooms each spring,
And as each Sunday morn heralds the King!

Science and our God can coexist in harmony,
Since anyhow, that's the way it seems to be,
Like nightingale senses the time for dreams,
And buttercups seem to thrive on sunbeams!

A big bang once came with a very big boom,
And is still scattering rose petals of June!
A red, red apple yet has traces of the fire,
That could've ended in pointless quagmire.

The devout perceive that miracles are real,
And they love God with much fervor and zeal,
Sweeter than the honey of the very first bee,
When the warm August sun had shone goldenly!

As to the long clash of science and such fervor,
Longingly, a blend of the two will gain favor,
And for all creation, will find reason plausible-
Without God, the magic wouldn't be possible!
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