erato mymuse

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Biography of erato mymuse

My Erato (Narrative) The Poet first became aware of Erato when researching on the internet. Soon after which to his delight she came to him in human guise in the form of a friend named Elizabeth. Since then Erato so often has been a source of poetry. Sometimes at the sight of her, a word or line of poetry would speed through his mind, sometimes a couplet or a verse and at one time a ballad. Even during his sleeping hours she would come in an erotic dream leaving him singing a poem as he woke. The poet was aware that he was a mere mortal man and that Erato was a goddess and therefore was unapproachable. A physical relationship was not possible. 'Oh how shall man of woman born approach those heights sublime? ' 'He shall in death forever mourn his Muse of loving rhyme.' All he could do was write of his love and send it into cyberspace hoping that Erato (in one of her many forms) would read it and, despite his limited ability and inadequate vocabulary, that she would understand his feelings towards her and not be angry. But, being an earthbound man, the poems dwell upon her physical attributes and only occasionally does he look into her eyes and see her true character and beauty. A beauty not born of flesh but of the Spirit. The poet would like to thank all of you that have voted or made comments or even reprimanded him. Given time he hopes to write poetry that will be worthy of his lovely Muse.