Adelana Victor

January 20, 2003 - Ijebu Ode
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Light Up - a voicemail

Hey, it's Victor here, calling in to check on you.

In case no one has whispered this to you today,
let me be the voice to tell you
You're beautiful
More beautiful than the Milky Way.
You're strong
Stronger than anything that ever poses to be an obstacle on your way
You're powerful
More powerful than you can ever imagine.

If today your sky is shadowed by dark clouds,
Remember that the sun is always lingering on the other side,
Patiently waiting to glide across the horizon to brighten your world again.

In these days of trials,
Where we are often surrounded by heart-breaking news
And a constant barrage of despair,
I urge you to be the anomaly.
Be kindness incarnate
Let your smile be a lighthouse on someone's stormy day.
Become the rainbow in their cloud
A beacon of hope.

As you step into your day
Pray, Work, and Stay watchful of the wolves in sheep's clothing.
Wishing you a wonderful day ahead.

Take care, Habibi.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

For now, go light up your world.
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