William of Nassyngton


(st. Mary's Lamentation To St. Bernard On The Passion Of Christ)

Fader and sun and hali gaste,
almighti god in trinite,
þurgh bisekeing of Mari chaste,
maiden and moder of pete,
als I am sinful, help in haste,
lorde, þou send sum grace to me
sum word to say þat be noght waste,
bot þat oure saules þe better be.
It es grete dole to tel or say
or forto think in mannes mode
how Crist opon þe gude friday
for vs sched his blissed blude;
al his desiples fled oway,
for drede of ded þai war nere wode;
it es no tung þat tel þam may
þe sorowes of Mari, his moder gude.
For scho him bare bath god and man,
and seþin þai cald his name Ihesu;
þai offerd him to sir Simion-
þat prophet wele his louerd knew;
an angel sun warned þam þan
of king Herod þat was vntrew,
and bad Mari til Egipt gane
for drede of ded of mani a Iew.
Mari euer had ioy inogh
whils sho was hir dere sun neghe;
into what stede so euer he drogh
come he neuer out of hir eghe.
seþin men did him mekel wogh
and mekil dole scho saw him dreghe:
his handes nayled þai til a bogh
and on a tre hanged him heghe.
Of sorows sere myght scho noght sese
when he was bludi bak and croune,
and scho wist þat he was sakles;
of bodi and bak þe blude ran doun;
to se his pine was ful grete prese
of folk þat folowed him out of toun;
wemen wepid, withowten lese,
and pleined mekil his passioun.
Ihesus turned him to þam þare
and spak þir wordes of grete pete:
wemen, wepes for me no mare,
bot for yowre-seluen wepe mai ye,
and for yowre childer ye mai haue care,
þat dose me shame als ye may se'.
no wonder if hir hert was sare
þat saw hir sun so pined be.
When he was (beten) with scourges st(rang),
his frendes to fle war ful wight;
þan oure trowth al hally hang
in Mari milde both day and nyght.
Saint Bernard beres witnes omang,
so dose saint Iohn hir cosyn right,
þat sorow so to hir hert thrang
þat blude ran of hir eghen bright.
Þe blude out of hir eghen so ran;
for care hir hert nere clefe in two.
Saint Bernard, þat haly man,
beres witnes þat it was so.
for til a kirk wightly he wan
whare he might wit more of hir wo;
scho schewed hir þare, and asked him þan
what he wald, or scho went him fro.
He sayd: 'if þat it war þi will,
tell me, lady, heuyn quene,
how þou for wo wepyd þi fill
when þai did þi sun slike tene,
band him ful fast & bet him ill,
and corond him with thornes kene,
and gert him bere vnto a hill
a cros, and toyled him þam bitwene.
A, lady, whare wastou for wo
when þai him band and bet so fast?
I wote þou wald noght fle him fro,
so was þi hert stif and stedfast.
allas, he said, whi was it so
and my hert noght alto-brast
or els for care to-cleue in two,
or wepe whils þat my life may last?
Lady, he said, þou had grete pyne
when þat þou saw þat freli fode
his heuyd doun so law enclyne
when he was hanged on þe (rode);
al-if he war goddes sun and þine,
his faire fless famed al of bl(ode).
allas, whine had þat bale be (mine)?
I wald haue standen wha(re þou stode)'.
'Bernard, scho said, who (list to loke)
when my dere sun to ded (was dight)?
he bowed his heuyd and (leue toke)
thankand his fader (ful of might).
þe stones brak als (sais þe boke),
þe son also with (drogh his light);
þe temple clef, (þe erthe quoke),
þe ded to lyfe (ras ful right)'.
'(Ladi, he s)ayd, tak noght (to grefe)
(if I) speke of his paynes strang;
(of) þam to lere war me ful lefe
more graythli, or þou fro me gang.
þou saw þi sun hing als a thefe
wounded sare and al with wrang;
to wit him haue so grete meschefe
no wonder if þou murned omang.
Now, lady, quene of heuen-blis,
sen þat no gamyn to me may gayn,
out of my wo þe bus me wis,
al-if I b sin(ful) for sertayn.
als þou ert mayden and moder his:
what did my lord in al his payne?
when he was pined and did no mys,
whilk war his wordes? þis wald I frayne'.
'Bernard, scho said, þi bousom bede
into mi hert has smeten a spere:
for who so neuyns my dere sun ded,
vnto me do þai þan grete dere,
(fo)r wepeing mase me wil of rede.
and yit I may none wise forbere,
what so þou fraynes here in þis stede
(þi) wepeing gers me gif answere'.
'(I tha)nk þe, lady faire and fre,
(þat) þou wil cumforth me of care
(and s)ogat schew þi hert to me
(and) tel me of his paines sare.
(wald) god þat I had bene with þe
(and) sene þe sorow þat þou saw þare!
(þan mig)ht I euer in wepeing be
(and þi)nk þaron for euer mare.
(Þou has sene) lordes vntil him lout
. . . euer þai might him seghe;
(of his) dedes þai had grete dout,
. . . haly and highe.
(when þat) þai presed so him obout,
(whi sufferd he) þam so forto leghe,
(in his face) to spit and spout,
(how might he al þir) doles dreghe?'
'(Mekeli he sufferd) þat mischefe-
(and wald haue sufferd m)ekil mare-
(for mannes saul was) him so lefe;
(for him he sufferd) þo paines sare.
(I saw him hang he)ghe als a thefe,
(he saw I stud in sorow a)nd care;
(yit did mi weping him m)ore grefe
(þan al þe paines he suffe)rd þare.
And sertainly þat (was wel sene)
when he bitoke me vnto (I)on;
ful meke he was withowten wene
when þat him liked to luke me on,
for wa I wex both gul and grene,
of murnig may I mak my mone.-
I sal þe tell hali bydene
þe paines he sufferd euerilkone'.
Þan Bernard toke to hir rewarde
and thanked hir with hert ful sare;
forto here of his lufli larde
him thoght it was a like and lare.
Sho said: 'sen I þis space haue spared
to tell þe sorow þat I sau þare,
here efterward sal be declared
paines a thowsand tymes mare.
Bernard, i saw mi dere son hang
als he had bene a maister-thef,
with sides blo als þai him dang
þat are war white and me ful lefe,
corund he was with thornes strang;
ful gern þai soght to do him grefe:
þai drogh him out with rapes olang
opon þe cros, til his fless clefe.
When þat he was so straitli sted,
þe cursed Iewes liked ful wele!
al with blude his cors was cled
and with spiting fro heuid to hele.
opon þe cros so was he spred,
and nailed with thre nailes of stele;
þus was he drawen & laithli led-
and for mans dedis was ilkadele.
I saw als it foure welles ware,
fro ilka naile a streme of blude;
al þus with dole þai dight him þare
þe Iews þat war wilde and wode.
I had grete blis when I him bare,
so war his maners milde & gude:
seþen was al turned to sorow sare
when he was rugged & rent on rode.
So faire a fode was neuer nane,
and þat beres witnes hali writ;
þare was his fairhed fro him tane,
with filthes fouly was he smyt.
and sertes I was so wil of wane
me wanted hali welth and wit;
I had no gates graithli to gane,
with sorowes so mi hert was hit.
(I wald þai had me han)ged him by,
to ses my paynes in þat plas;
no wonder if I war sary
(t)o tharn mi ioy and my solace.
(þ)e Iewes bad I sold me hy
(þ)eþin oway tyte better pase:
bot fast efter him folowed I
and saw al paines þat he in was.
Ful fast I cried on my manere
to lat him gang and get his pese:
bot my crying wald þai noght here
ne in his paynes do no relese;
for al my site and sighing sere
his sorow wald þai no thing sese.
I said: 'Ihesu my sun so dere,
whi lattes þou þam merk me þis mese?'
Wit þou wele ful wa me was
when þai him nailed thurgh hend & fete;
ful loud I cried and said 'allas',
when þat I saw his wowndes wete,
'my lord, mi sun and my solase,
þat euer has bene so mylde & swete,
haue mercy on me or þou pas,
or els no blis mi bales may bete'.
I said: 'my sun þat euer was hende
and blith to do what I þe bad,
whi leues þou me þus at þe ende
to dwell in site and sorow sad?
lord, lat ded now in me lende-
of his cumyng wald I be glad;
so sone he may noght with me wende
þat I ne wald soner þat he me had'.
I made my mane to þe Maudelayne
me forto cumforth in þat case;
'þou pray for me with might & mayne
vnto him þat þe helpid hase,
so þat I might alsone be slayne
with pain or euer I pas þis place,
for I wald be ded ferly fayne:
and þou for me na murnig mase?'
Þe Maudelain said: 'I can no rede,
for sorow es set in me so sare;
þi colure þat was white and rede
es now al wan with dole and care;
I se my souerayn draw to ded,
and yit murnig greues me mare.
I wald we went out of þis stede,
into þe tempil I rede we fare'.
(I askid hir whar was) swilk (place)
oþer in dale or els on hill
whare I migh be sperd in þis space
so þat no care sold cum me tyll;
my ioy, mi blis and my solace
despitusli I se þam spill;
my welth al halely in him was:
now es no wight in werld so will'.
I cried vnto my sun so hende,
and said: 'in werld me es ful wo!
I may noght help þe als þi frende
to ger þi famen fle þe fro.
ful lang in sorow here we lende,
þe Maudelayn & oþer mani mo:
wele better vs war oway to wende:
bot sertes I may noght fra þe go'.
Þe Maudlayn cumforth me of care,
to wende oway scho sayd war best,
it helpid noght oure dwelling þare,
for of rewth myght we haue no rest.
I said to hir: 'whider sold we fare
or walk for wo by est or west?
ded with him I wald we ware,
allas, whine wald oure hertes brest?
I se my sun twa theues bytwene
naked & nayled opon a tre;
ful blith & blissed euer has he bene,
and now has ded tane him fro me.
slike sorow sertes was neuer sene
als we now on my sun may se:
I war noght kind, þat wele wene,
when he þus hinges if I suld fle.
Vnder þe cros here bide I will,
I wate in werld no better w(on);
of murnig might I haue (mi fill)
so forto sit and se him on.
here will I hald me on þis (hill),
if þat ye wende oway ilkon;
with mi sun sal I bide her (still),
and fle I will for (Iewis non)''.
Bernard þan answerd (hir ogaine)
and til hir softly gan (he sai):
'ful grete mater had þ(e Maudelain),
it es no man þat . . .
þi bale was I ful . . .
bot þeder I durst . . .
how þat þai . . .
more forto . . .
. . . þou has . . .
. . . ferdenes als þou þam fand,
. . . my hert es ful hard to holde
and al þi wordes to vnderstand.
bot what my lord to þe say wolde
to aske þe yit will I noght wande,
when þe Iews so breme and balde
nayled him thurgh fute and hand,
And when þai corond him with thorn
þat newly war tane of þe tre.
þou was ay redy him byforn,
I wate might none euer be.
þai hailsed him with many a scorn,
als oþer men has tald to me:
what answerd he on euyn and morn?
to tell me, lady, pray I þe'.
Sho sayd: 'I haue talde þe my thoght,
what wald þou now wit of me mare?
ay when þat sorow es furth soght
it mase my hert in sighing sare.
bot if it may amend þe oght
(yit forto) knaw more of mi care,
(vnto) þe sal I nyte right noght
(a)t tell þe fully or þou fare.
(Mi sun) þat died at þe houre of none
(he) said to me on þis manere:
'(wo)man, be noght will of wone,
(biha)ld þi sun bisid þe here'.
(þan) said he to my cosin Iohn:
'(bihald) þi moder lefe and dere'.
(ay)þer luked we oþer opon
(sari)ly with symple chere.
(He said: 'Ion, als) þou ert hende,
(be ay) redy vntil hir bone;
(luke to) hir whare scho will wende
(als I bifor wa)s won to done.
(here I mai) no lenger lende
(for my time) es cumand sone,
(heþin now bihou)es me wende
(on hegh vnto my) fader in trone.
(Moder þat mi) bodi bare,
(it es hard pined) als þou mai se,
(for al man-kind als I) said are
(fra ded to lif suld) raised be.
(I sek a schep, suld els) forfare,
(þat with wrang was stolen) fro me;
(I sal it bring þar it was are)
(and of his þraldom mak it) fre.
Þat schepe bitakens (mannis kinde),
my fader will þat it be soght;
oþer þan I may none it finde,
for with mi blude it bus be boght;
out of þe place whare it es pynide
to bigly blis it sal be broght'.
he said I suld leue him bihinde;
þarfore ful dreri was my thoght.
Þus war his wordes more and myn
þat Ion my cosyn to me suld luke.
al-if he war nere of my kyn,
for my sun þare I him toke.
al with swilk talking gan we twin,
and my solace so I forsoke.
þir wordes þat þus gan bygin
ful wide þai sal be wreten in buke.
Bot a thing, Bernard, did me wo:
when my sun said 'me thristes sare'.
to get him drink fast gan þai go
with grete despite wald þai noght spare,
aysell and gal þai menged so,
and in a spounge þai hid it þare;
þai bad him baldely þareof to
and drink on fast, he sold haue mare.
I cried þan: 'dere sun, drink it noght!
for hething wald þai þou it had;
of aysell and gall es it wroght,
sune of þe sauore þou mai be sad'.
ful mildly þan he me bysoght
so þat I suld be blith and glad;
'for with þis drink man-kind es boght,
it bus be als my fader bad.
Þarfor, moder, þi murnig mend,
and for me murn þou now nomare!
vnto mi fader bihoues me wend
and lede ogayn þat lost was are.
and sune efter þe sal I send-
bot me byhoues bifor þe fare;
and seþin saltou with me lend
in ioy and mirth for euermare'.
Þe Iews ful of pomp and pride
hanged two theues despitusly
bi mi dere sun on ayther side;
þe tone to him gan merci cri,
þe toþer answerd in þat tyde:
'he hinges hegher þan þou or I,
and es wete with wondes wide:
to ask him help þou dose foli'.
(Þe t)oþer answerd with milde mode:
'he es dampned with fals rede,
for he did neuer no thing bot gude,
and we haue wele serued oure ded.
haue mercy on me, mayster gude,
when þou cums vp in þi stede;
thurgh vertu of þi blissed blude
þe way to blis, lord, þou me lede!'
My sun said: 'þou askes rightwisly,
for þine asking blissed þou be;
þis day grante I þe forþi
in paradis to won with me'.
I saw þat sight, and was sary
when þat þai died so on þe tre;
þe gude thefe went to heuyn in hi,
and þe ill to hell went he.
To se þat sight I had solace
how tyte þe tone vnto heuyn wan;
for wele I knew þan by þat case
my sun was verray god & man.
and als I stode still in þat place,
to cry ful loud my sun bygan:
'ely ely', his criyng was,
'lamazabatany' efter þan'.
þir wordes er als men may se
in ynglis tung to vnderstand:
''fader, whi forsoke þou me,
þus to be bun in itter band?
heder I come thurgh rede of þe:
mi saul I send into þi hand.
for man þus am I pined on tre:
now es fulfild als þou cumand.''
Bernard þan to hir answerd:
'Lady, blissed mot þou be;
of schere-thursday now haue I herd
how þi dere sun was tane fro þe,
and on gude friday how it ferd,
how þat he died opon a tre;
bot now, how he in graue was sperd,
ladi, þat tale now tell þou me.
And how þat he was taken doun
tel me, moder & mayden mylde,
of þe cros efter his passioune,
and how þai wroght þan with childe,
and how þat Ioseph come to toune
þi sun bodi for he wald bilde;
he wan it with his orysoune
fro Pelat and þe Iewes wilde.
(And how he was laid in þe ston)
tell me, mayden and moder fre;
whilk of his frendes euerilkone
walde þare at his beriyng be;
þe murnyg of þe and of Iohn,
mayden mylde, mene vnto me-
for wele I leue ye left allone
with-owten mo of yowre menye'.
'Bernard, scho said, allas allas,
þir wordes dose me mikell wo;
to tel al halely how it was
my hert for bale might brest in two.
Ioseph gan vnto Pilate pas,
and asked þe bodi þat hanged so;
and both Pilat and sir Cayphas
gaf him leue it doun forto to.
Pelates knyghtes sterne and stout
furth with Iosep gan þai wende,
and oþer folk a ful grete rout-
sum was his fa & sum his frende;
þai brak þe theues the-banes obout,
to luke if þaire life had made ende.
þat þai sold do so had I dout
with my sun þat was so hende.
I foloud fast with al my myght,
with Ion and with my systers two.
omang þam þare þan stode a knyght,
blind he was and lame also,
and al þai said Longius he hight;
vnder þe cros þai gert him go-
and sertes þan I saw a sight
þat was þe werst of al my wo.
Þai gaf þe knyght a spere ful gude,
and set it to my dere sun side,
þai bad him sting fast þare he (stode)
for any thing þat might bi-(tide).
he put it up with eger mode,
to my sun hert he gert it (glide):
and sune brast out both (water & blude)
of þat wound þat was (so wide).
Þe blude ran doun vntil hi(s hand),
and þarwith wiped þe knight . . .
so gat he sight als he . . .
and luked brade with e . . .
and thanked god of (al his sand),
liftand his hert to . . .
þat sight saw (I þar I gan stand),
and oþer mo . . .
(Þan wex mi hert heui als led)
(when) I saw þat rewful sight,
þe water clere and þe blude rede
þat ran out of þe wownde ful right;
þan fel I doun als I war ded,
langer to stand had I no might.
Ion me comfort in þat stede,
so did Ioseph þat nobil knyght.
Þan went þe knyghtes to sir Pilate,
and I left þare ligand in swowne:
and when I couerd out of þat state,
I prayed Iosep to tak him doune
and get him þeþin by any gate
fro þe Iews fals and felowne.
Ioseph said: 'lat be þi late;
to bring him þe er we ful boun'.
Nichodemus þe nayles out drogh,
and Ioseph lapped him in his arme-
both þai lufed him wele inogh,
and toke him doun withowten harme.
(þai) lesed mi barn þus fro þat bogh
and broght him euyn vnto my barme:
I kissed his mowth with mekil wogh-
cald it was and nothing warme.
(An) hundreth siþes gan I kis
his mowth and als his eghen two,
(and said): 'dere sun, sen I þe mys
(gla)d now sal I neuer go,
(& Ioseph) ful fast oboutward is
(þat þou) war in þi graue me fro.
(now in þis) werld who sal me wis?
(whine) war I grauen with þe also?'
(To wepe) might I nothing forbere,
(so was mi) hert enclosed with care;
(his wou)ndes did me slyke dere
(whilk I saw) on his body bare
(mad of þe na)yles and of þe spere,
(þat it wou)nded my hert ful sare;
(all men sorow)ed þat þar were,
(bot mi sorow) was mekil mare.
(Slike sorow þar in) me was cast
(þat I most wepe) on alkins wise;
(bot yit my hope ay) was stedfast
. . . he sold vp rise
. . . war past,
. . . (s)eruise;
(ful wele wist I a)t þe last
(I suld him se omang al hi)se.
Had I noght . . .
and trowed þat he suld ris up right,
Bernard, mi hert had brusten bene
when mi dere sun to ded was dight.
Ioseph & Nichodeme þam bitwene
to beriyng bare þat bodi bright;
þai lapped it in clathes clene,
and closed in a stane þat night'.
'Now lady, quene of heuyn and hell,
als þou him bare þat vs dere boght
I pray þe þat þou wald me tell
more of þi murnig if þou moght:
whare wastou whe þai did him dwell
in Ierusalem, whare he was soght
and taken with þe Iewes fell
and byfor sir Cayphas broght?'
'Bernard, þat sight I saw also,
mi blissed barn how þai him band,
and led him furth ful fast me fro;
I folowd him ful sare wepeand.
no wonder was if me war wo,
bot more meruail how I might stand,
at se mi sun to paynes go;
to folow and wepe might I noght wand.
On schere-thursday within þe night
þai soght him, Iewes ful grete plente,
with lanternes & with swerdes bright,
and ilkone asked 'whore es he?'
'I am here', he said ful right,
'bot dose my men no harm for me'-
he wist what dole to him was dight,
þarfore he wald his frendes went fre.
Al-if him-self to paynes yede,
he wald none oþer þe wers ware;
þat schewd he by his speche gud spede
both in þat stede and els whare.
Peter gan his swerde out lede
and Malkus ere sune of he schare;
my sun him blamed for þat dede
and hastily he (he)lid it þare.
Iudas þat was (ful) of þe fende,
al-if mi sun his treson wist,
at his cumyng he cald him frende
and curtaisli þare he him kist.
þan knew þai wele my sun so hend,
þai laid hand on him als þam list;
omang þam al no man him mende.
on þis manere my mirth I mist.
. . .
and seþin (to Pilat), him to spill;
my dere sun was noght ferd forþi,
bot þeder went he with gude will;
he kid noght þat he was myghty,
bot bare him euer simpil and still.
Pilate sayd he suld noght dy,
for in him fand he none kins ill.
Þai hid his eghen and band him fast
and bet him þan with buffettes sare,
and bad him rede wha smate him last,
a trew prophet if þat he ware.
two of my sisters þeder past
forto se þat sorow and care,
and þe Maudelaine was noght last-
scho lufed him lely and his lare.
Hir luf to him was euer new,
to wirschip him als was worthy.
ful strang es luf of frendes trew,
and of þe moder maste namly.
he was so faire of hide and hew,
my murnig was þe more forþi;
al men him lufed þat euer him knew,
slike blis it was to beld him by.
Þai nakend him þan in þa stoundes
and till a peler band him al bare,
and bet him þan þare in þaire boundes
despitusly wald þai noght spare;
foure thowsand and sex hundreth woundes
dight þai on his sydes ful sare,
and cried on him on heght als houndes:
'þi propheci mendes þe nomare'.
Bernard, I was ful will of rede
when þat I herd þam sogat say
þat Ihesu sold be done to dede
and Baraban go quite for ay.
it was þe custum in þat stede
to saue ane on þaire sabot-day;
god sun þai slogh with wikked red,
and lete a thef go quie oway.
Þus þe Iewes ful sterne and stout
held my sun in ful hard band.
Pilat had of þam more dout
þan of him þat was alweldand:
he rase up right omang þat rout
and liuerd him into þaire hand.
þan presed þai bremely him obout,
and euer ful mekeli gan he stand.
(When he was dampned þan þai went)
with him out of þe tun ful tite,
þe cros opon his bac þai bent
and waited to do him despite.
allas þat lamb þat innocent
þat neuer was worþi to wite,
omang þa wolues was to-rent.
I folowed fast with sorow and site.
Þe Iewes war fayn when he fore ill,
and fast þai logh, both moste and leste:
'if þou be king tell vs vntill,
so þat þi payn may be relest'.
he answerd noght bot held him still,
with countynance fayre and rest,
and bare þe cros vp to þe hill
ful bousumly als any beste.
I swouned þan ful many a sith,
so did wemen þat war with me;
I cried loud, for he suld me lith,
when I for prese might him noght se:
'A sun, whi hies þou þe so swith
sen þat þou beres so heuy a tre,
and lattes þi moder be vnblith,
and oþer frendes þat folowes þe?'
Sen heuyn was and erth also
and Adam merked efter man,
had neuer woman so mekil wo
ne care in hert als I had þan.
now haue I tald bitwen vs two
of grete greuance sen I bygan;
yit may I mene of many ane mo,
fro his graueing how þat we wan'.
Þan wald Bernard no speking spare
bot til hir said he sone onone:
'I thank þe, ladi, of þi lare,
þat þou to me will mak þis (mone).
when he was ded als þou said are
and stalworthli stoken in ston,
forþermare how gan ye fare,
þe Maudlayne and þi cos(yn Ion)?'
'Sertes, Bernard, þe soth . . .
grete hardnes þan in h . . .
when þai þe stone wal . . .
for wa þan wex I al . . .
þe heuynes might I . . .
ouer him hertly g . . .
I wend to were þe . . .
so þat my so . . .
. . .
. . . þai gan me (win),
(ilka)ne at oþer leue þai toke
and led me home vntill owre in.
for sorow I might speke ne luke,
and al þai murned more and myn.
no wight in werld might write in buke
oure bitter bale þat might noght blin.
Intill a chamber þai gert me go
whare mi dere barn was won to be;
Ion and þe Maudelayn went also,
for no thing wald þai wend fro me.
I wayted obout in ilka wro
bot of my sun kouth I noght se;
omang vs was so mekill wo
þat in swounyg we fell al thre.
Þus war we set in sorows sare,
and out of bale might none vs bring,
til þat we wist how he sold fare
þat was oure conforth ouer althing.
now haue I tald þe of my care,
(wh)at pain I had in his parting;
bot efter I was ful redi þare
to luke efter his vprising'.
(Saint) Bernard said: 'my ladi fre,
I thank þe, moder and maiden milde,
þat þou wald þus mene vnto me
(þe) sorow of þe and of þi childe.
(now) am I seker, whare so I be,
(þat) his passioun sal me schilde
(fra þe fend) and his powste,
(and also) fro al werkes wylde.'
(Now, ladi,) for þat mekyll wo
(and þe murn)yg þat þou made omell,
(þe pas)sioun of þi sun also
(& his d)ed so foule and fell,
(lat vs neu)er depart þe fro,
(bot grant vs) euer with to dwell,
(and heþen owai) when we sall go
(schild vs fro) þe paynes of hell.
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