Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

1840 - 1922 / England

Esther, A Sonnet Sequence: Xv

Thus it began with laughter. But anon
The ox--eyed queen, who had resumed by rote
The tale of her perfections one by one,
Turned by some ominous chance towards the spot
Where we two stood. ''And take good note,'' said she,
''All here is honest beauty, flesh and blood,
As any in the world. Yet, if there be
A doubt between you, let me make it good.
Which of you two will honour me so near
As to prove the truth?'' My cheeks in spite of me
Flamed in the dark, and I was seized with fear
And a wild doubt lest mine the choice should be.
The little woman on the chair began
To shout aloud and bid me play the man.
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