Vizard Dhawan

O! Traitor

being an easy prey
I was trapped
in the net of hate and betrayal
whom I thought my life
left me in the middle starving
I was left so-was not the question
she did so why? had she any problem
who was I-I don't know now
seeing whom face, I once said wow
now, life is turned she is gone
not in my memory or phone
I don't want her now, as she, the traitor
my eyes are left with tears and salt
I am helpless I am lifeless, completely lost
what to do, what to say, do I know
I am starving, I am craving
has she anything, now, to do with me
throw away from my life O! traitor
I am proclaiming this soft request
ready to face the mighty blow of time
as, what you have done to me
I just don't want to see; anybody else
in the situation in which I am by night or day
only crying that O! traitor-go away
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