Tammy Darby

October 21, 1957
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When thoughts are invited to meander

The mind disenchanted with life begins to wander
Unfettered for the moment is the writer's imagination
No longer constrained by societal burdens or subjugation.

Flowers become fairies and trees once unmoving speak
The moon a yellow fountain full of lemonade to drink
Horses have 9 legs and birds 3 heads
The sky once joyful blue is now menacing red
Fish walk on land and snake's fly
Man becomes immortal never to die

The wind sings unwritten songs
The earth sighs
The universe spews forth another planet
Before you’re very eyes

It is in this world of the minds eye an author exists
Weaving stories braided with emotions and tied with a twist
They have the talent to hold a listener's attention and invoke anticipation
When the wordsmiths' thoughts unencumbered become their creation

All Rights reserved @ Tammy M. Darby September 29, 2022
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