Tammy Darby

October 21, 1957
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Six Green Frogs in a Little Bark Boat

Just floated by my front door
Bawdily laughing and singing loud
We love rain please give us more

Six green frogs in a little bark boat
With yellow hats on their heads
Each had a paddle and galoshes on their feet
With a raincoat colored red

Six green frogs in a little bark boat
Floating around in my water covered yard
Shiny happy eyes
They sat in a circle
Playing a game of cards

Six green frogs in a little bark boat
Sailing back to their pond
They better be quick and get back to their home
Before the water in my yard is gone.

All Rights Reserved Tammy M. Darby May 25, 2022.
All Materiel Stored in Author Base.

Children's Rhyme
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