Tammy Darby

October 21, 1957
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Grasshopper with his pants on fire

I was driving down the road and what did I see
But a grasshopper with his pants on fire
With a snake hot on his tail he was moving his feet
That grasshopper with his pants on fire

Hopping high as he could go
A moving fast and ducking low
That grasshopper with his pants on fire
Well the snake was closing in and his race was soon to end
With that grasshopper with his pants on fire

The hopper tightened up his hopping
The snake knew there was no stopping
That grasshopper with his pants on fire

He's the toast of the season
He’s got long legs for a reason
Silly grasshopper with his pants on fire

All Rights Reserved @ Tammy M. Darby Feb. 16, 2017
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