Subhas Chandra Chakra

October 13, 1965. Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
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A Paradise Turns Hell - 01

It was never like this,
a hell of a land
that you see today-
Deserts everywhere
On land, where people
used to dance merrily
with songs of content,
peace and harmony.

In the distant sky
where the clouds
floated with glee
among the Sun-
bright and radiant,
and the Moon-
cool and caressing
the whole Earth
seemed to rejoice
with celestial joy.
And at heart,
there was a bliss
divine, clad in
clothes of beauty
and dipped in
fragrances of love,
there seemed to exist
a world full of
faith, trust, fraternity
and care for all-
kids, girls, women,
buds, trees, forests
anything or anyone
who happened to be
a part and parcel
of our Universe.

But why at all
it changed?
Who made the heaven
a hell? ?
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