Robert Brendan

1979 / Calgary


My floor of my
bedroom is coated
in sheets and unwashed
plus so many clothes
and in my closet
I have clothes
that I washed
and then put away on
the shelf
two years ago
and have not worn

When I do complete a
segment of
laundry tasks
I do it in phases
Instinct and
good breeding
teaches us to not
mix the white
and the dark clothing
not because there is any
danger of the dark clothing
losing its color
and most all my
are underwear
some plain cotton shirts
and my two dress shirts
when I feel that impressing
an impression
on some fictional
I fold my clothes and
put them away in my
dresser which
I bought new
I do it how
I like it
and leave all the whites
in the hamper
so I can fish
for my ginch
and socks in the morning
with my
hungover hands

and the darks?
well, they just get dumped
on my old coffee table
in a pile
just like I used to
before I bought the dresser
which is now empty
but looks nice
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