Raymond A Foss

1960 / Westfield, MA / United States

In Each Flickering Flame - v2

In each flickering flame
in each voice rising
something of the Savior
in the cries of the people

Bringing us back to him
the Sermon on the Mount
his calling to us
to be his hands, his mouth

Speaking when we were silent
joining in their yearning
seeking justice, freedom
for all the oppressed people

Standing with them
against the regimes
the despots trying to hold power
those wanting to be free

Each of the flames, light
a witness to the nations
the seeds of change growing
becoming a wild fire

The sands of time swirling
the sandstorm coming
watching in real-time
as freedom replaces injustice

Crying for the martyrs
the ones yet in changes
standing now with them
calling for their freedom
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