Priscah mutswenje

August 5, 1986-Kenya
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In the canvas of life, a pillar so strong,
A father's love, an enduring song.
With hands that toil, with heart so true,
A steadfast guide, forever through.

In every step, your shadow beside,
Through life's ebbs and flows, a constant tide.
With wisdom vast as the boundless sea,
You've shaped my journey, set me free.

Your laughter, a melody in the quiet air,
A timeless tune of love so rare.
Through stormy nights and sunlit days,
Your love unwavering, a beacon that stays.

In your eyes, tales of resilience unfold,
A story of courage, of silver and gold.
With calloused hands and a weathered brow,
You've sown the seeds that flourish now.

Through triumphs celebrated and challenges faced,
Your strength, a fortress, cannot be erased.
In quiet moments, your presence near,
A guardian, a friend, a presence dear.

A carpenter crafting dreams with care,
A navigator through life's intricate lair.
For every lesson, every patient nod,
A tribute to you, oh, blessed of God.

In the symphony of life, your voice rings clear,
A lighthouse in moments of doubt and fear.
For all the tales your actions tell,
A father's love, ineffable.

So here's to you, my guiding star,
In my heart, you've traveled far.
For all you are and all you've done,
Dad, my hero, my only one.
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