Pijush Biswas

July 12, 1988 - Srirampur, Nadia, West Bengal, India
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Red Kite

I met a boy who was thirsty
And travelled long to seek his kite
'Twas twelve O'clock and thirty
When needly upon my door he smit.

On a clever morning when they, Ten
Were swirling, undaunted by reason
Could hardly realize what may happen
As 'twas the cozy winter season.

I asked, ' What may I do for you? '
For the sun was 'mid skies, saying-
'Know, I love stranger, a new.
Let me give you easy staying'.

'No, not a pledge', said he
'Did you see my kite, gone afar?
Can you tell me where it may be?
Nor I will cheat you, nor mar

If you assist to find out it soon'.
So I asked, 'Whereof did you lose,
Tell me? I know the land of Moon,
Wherefore it can go, I suppose'.

'Twas unbound wind which cleverly
Had blown his horn before I subdued kite,
To protect our own from Billy
When we left them untight.

But, tell, where is the land of Moon?
Is it fair and clear as Heaven?
'Out or In'- -is possible to go soon?
Is there any guard, stood, then? '

'Not to be upset, nor claim', I said
'Nor it will come back, nor respite
You; hence, it is laid on pure bed
Whereas rests every red kite'.


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