Pijush Biswas

July 12, 1988 - Srirampur, Nadia, West Bengal, India
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A Dear Tree

Not to touch, not to climb!
Its breakable for tender limb!
I would claim upon every fellow
As mellow fruits grew yellow.

'Twas a Guava tree on courtyard-
Shrill sound of chirping bird
Or, shadow of the fruit tree
'Oft led me to get relief out of lee.

So I did no mistake to turn
It heart-felt beauty, or to earn
Perfection in my reckoning hand
In making wall 'tween band.

Its too weak, yet quite fruitfull
So much I loved it; they're null-
'O a petty mistake may harm it! '
So I made it lone and discrete.

But dear things last brief in life
It's life, as uneasy as ride on cliff.
As our love is too heavy to be bore
By it, eternity pulls it back ever before.

Its a gruesome night she came
The heartless storm-to make lame
The earth, even all beings; or to mow
My dear tree, making it's head bow.

[Published in his self-published book "Some Suitable Words" in January,2018]
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