Oscar Auliq-Ice

December 3, 1994
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I Am a Ghost, a Soul Without a Form

I am a ghost, a spirit of the ages,
A phantom figure that never fades,
A memory of the ones who came before,
A whisper of the past that lingers more.

I haunt the halls of ancient ruins,
And wander through abandoned tombs,
I'm the echo of a voice long gone,
The distant notes of a forgotten song.

I drift through cities, long since lost,
A reminder of what's at a great cost,
The palaces and temples of yore,
That stood tall and proud, but are no more.

I am a ghost, a soul without a form,
A presence that can weather any storm,
A specter of the people that once lived,
And their stories, that we have received.

I linger in the places they once knew,
And I bear witness to all they went through,
The joys and sorrows, the love and pain,
And the endless struggle to remain.

I am a ghost, a symbol of the past,
A guide to those who want to last,
A reminder that what we do today,
Will echo through time, and never fade away.

I whisper secrets to those who will listen,
And show them the way when they feel imprisoned,
I offer hope to the ones who despair,
And strength to those who need to repair.

I am a ghost, a vision of the future,
A light that shines through every culture,
A beacon of hope that never dies,
A promise that all can realize.

I dance through time, a never-ending waltz,
And though I'm just a shadow, I never exhaust,
For I am more than just a fleeting shade,
I am the spirit of the ages, that never fades.
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