Nima Yooshij

1896 - 1960

The Soldier's Family

The candle burns, beside the curtain set,

So far this woman hasn't slept yet;

Over the cradle she leans (alone),

O wretched one, O wretched one.

A few rags form the curtain of the spouse

To protect the house.

For two days no food she has tasted,

With two kids, she hasn't rested;

One is ten, she is sleeping,

The other is awake and wailing.

She cries for her mother's milk which is small

This is another woe, (it is dismal).

The neighbor's child wears well,

She has her sports and eats well.

What difference is between these (I'm grieved)

What the other owns this one is bereaved.

A soldier's child dressed in rags (and gall)

Why must she live at all?

All she sees is but asperity

What she reads, breathes adversity;

Her back is bending, with all the load,

Her eyesight is dim in this abode;

Thus she labors like a man;

Thus she toils, the woman.
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