Matthew Conrad

May 15, 1986 - Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
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tomb raider ferns and black holes

i can only live my life,
toward a futhering of a transcendence
of the taosit maxim
of: the only way
you can help the world,
is for the world to forget you
and for you,
to forget the world...
i have another interpretation...
akin to the song
s.t.a.y. from the movie
interstellar... please let me live
a life that is worth...
that is worth mining a void...
in the life beside family,
please let me life a life that is
beside moral:
help me elevate it... both life
and morality...
please let me live a life
that concedes to the baron
of waiting...
let me live a life
whereby mercury is supposed
to be a solar moon and
not a planet...
where the current earth moon
once took the form of a planet
indistinguishable from the current
let me not waste my life
on 15 minute interlude pursuits...
to recapture what c.c.t.v. already
keep me, dear world...
the gluttonous gargantuan void
of feeding upkeep...
am i solely keeping focus on...
isn't the black hole...
a 2D object in a 3D subject -
the universe can hardly be contemplated
as an object, it's also a subject...
object-subject dynamics conceive...
you can sure as shit
implant a 2D fern in a tomb raider
game... that begins to stress
the minotaur's domain...
and the 2D fern starts
to hyper-rotate... imitating a 3D object...
to me i consider a black hole
to be a 2D object hyper-rotating in
a 3D object calamity known as space...
yet the universe is neither
time or space... it's both... and neither...
the black hole to me is
what man simulated in the first
tomb raider games...
replica: ferns...
i don't expect this notion
to be accepted dogmatically:
i know it won't be... as it should be...
i still can't tame the conviction that
the universe is the awe inspiring
expansion of space...
it's as much an expansion of space...
as it is a stasis of time...
if forever expanding -
why the eternal language of the zodiac
time is a contradiction of space,
in the same equilibrium that
space is a contradiction of time...
and yet... the mutually exclusive
polar opposites have found
a matrimony of co-existence...
how they translate in a square / cubic sense
of interpreted linear is...
a statement for einstein to make...
i'm just here for the whiskey...
i'm not here to the sort of genius
demanding world domination
for media hyenas to exploit via interviews...
whiskey and the music...
the rest? the rest belongs for those
inclined to entertain the world renowned:
soon to be the world forgotten...
and that lot of:
sycophants as eager as perverted
poodles willing to dry hump your leg
into a worth of a stump of a tree's worth
of a located sense of gravity
via the botanical spine of a trunk...
all my mirrors darkened...
when i had to peer into myself...
bypassing the vain concern of peering
onto myself... and in so doing...
i acknowledged thought:
as the prime concern for my motive
to further exact...
what needed to be made
into a furthered existence: the ex-
out of every future instance: for the focus of
sigma and ego.
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