Matthew Conrad

May 15, 1986 - Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
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in a language where there is no concept of orthography... sure... the metaphysical dialectic will reach it's natural conclusion - the reincarnation blockage of Platonism - disgraced men would be reborn as women... well? no need to death and the reincarnation... given the current trans-gender / gender-queer momentum... in a language without a concept of ortho-graphy... it's a meta-physical circus... with base cis gender normative para-normal saturday fright night special orgy of speculation... otherwise the benzene ring... etc.

from the outside, looking in?
sure... Poland seems like a great place to live -
with all the ethno-nationalist tendencies...
great great great...
all the journalistic exports: fine 'n' dandy...
but if you are sort of strapped
to visiting your grandparents,
doing some decorative work on the kitchen...
a month, 2 months...
and you listen to the news
as a nativsprechen?
same shit, different cover...
the jokes about the Law & Justice Party
are endless...
some say that the current party leader
is Napoleon reincarnated... a penguin mafiozo...
fucking turtle-neck sweaters
and smiling pajacyk that is predisent Duda -
who... when smiling, looks like an eager
doughnut, very much akin to Jeremy hunt -
well oiled sheens of the forehead...
but that's how the cookie crumbles...
lech kaczyński died at the Smoleńsk plane crash...
fuck me, even the Warsaw feminists are like:
but the west doesn't care about eastern europe,
it's safe ground: predictable idiots...
well: idiots, predictable in that...
if you don't have the money...
how will you succumb to ad revenue?
if you can't buy the shit... why advertise it?!
if the irish are immune to psychoanalysis...
then the polacks are immune to advert driven
yes... i'll buy a fucking screwdriver...
if i have a dozen screws!
i need to earn 15K of english poundage to
say a postcard fuck you...
wish and: no, i don't wish you to be here...
jarosław kaczyński: primo uomo...
the president of the party...
not the prime minister, not the president of a nation...
sure sure... it's a good thing that
poland didn't learn to attribute to itself
the sort of capitalism associated with
tourism along the lines of puerto rico,
jamaica... the maldives...
there are... sights to sell...
but the polacks are not willing...
here's to! julian tuwim!
and here's to: being unlike some nostalgia driven
czesław miłosz...
i will speak the language: if you force me -
ja będe mówił tym językiem: jeśli mnie zmusisz...
freed from both the russian and
the germanic shackles...
see?! i agree to speaking english, freely...
i prefer writing in it...
but not, in my room, in my house,
in my garden...
i can sacrifice my "ethnicity" to speak this
acquired tongue... and write in it...
but not when i speak to my mother,
not when i speak to my father...
let the immigrants of the Raj do the bidding
of "correct" assimilation...
forget and not forgive...
i would rather a bunch of pakistanis
retain their bilingualism of both english and Urdu...
than, somehow, blame their assimilation
technique on the english "telling them":
you must stop with the Urdu...
yes... in a public space, talking to a busy-body
policeman... english is norm...
but in private? i will not speak english in private...
i refuse to...
about time the anglo-sas learned to ways
of globalism and settled in some scandinavian
variant of: globalism works...
if there's a native language,
and a collective global language...
the scandinavians, the dutch, the belgians...
they learned...
there's the native tongue...
and there's the medieval lingua franca:
lingua ingelese... you want to be a tourist
in italy? learn italian!
me, paris, 2004... lucky me i found
a russian alexandria who spoke some french...
otherwise beside the english:
czy ty mówisz po polsku? like fuck:
currently - it's not vogue.

if the scandinavians can learn the basic
principles of globalism...
i'm pretty sure... fellow seafarers can learn the same...
put english second - universally accepted...
and then learn... another tongue...
bilingualism is, after all:
a second tier stability -
it's not the polyglot phenomenon -
but at least with bilingualism...
what is nation?
what is race?
blah blah blah...
Poland imploded: Smoleńsk...
the... catholic prima ballerina...
ever since the Polack pope...
saint of kissing airport tarmac...
the children have been subjected to strict
catechesis learning: prior to remembering
a poem verbatim... the "lord's prayer"...
eh... i am... and i am not...
just give me a month with the grandparents
cooking food for them...
i'll read that dr. zhivago and some plato
in the native zunge (i can only read philosophy
in polish, i can't read it in english -
too much metaphysical connotations - bogus
matrix analogies)...

the march for the nth time of the black umbrellas...
a national mourning...
like i avoiding saying:
descartes' anatomy: res extensa...
the extended thing... they were twins...
res extensa: lech kaczyński schizoid
communicative post-mortem with his twin
brother (herrparteipräsident)
jarosław kaczyński - who overhears the commands
of the dead "presidenté" with due dilligence:
do my trouser zipper up for me
before i take to centre stage!

Poland is a joke for those
who know better... ex-pats...
i can only stomach roughly 2 months
in a year... but then again...
England is a shit-show too...
best bet?
or the Faroe Islands...
and when i sometimes "feel" vaguely
yes: to the language...
but to the people or the geography?
i don't like the idea of something "else" becoming
the next dodo...
i wish i could live among "my", ahem,
"fellow" countrymen?
but when i visit... white white white of warsaw...
i feel nausea...
oi! where's the jamaican! where's the indian!
where's the congregation of the world?!
it doesn't feel good...
my inner skin disintegrates...
i'm back among the natives as a small-town
native commuting from the outskirts of
warsaw to the inner-city and then fucking off
to a small city that... imploded
when it lost its city of metallurgy status...
now? a city of pensioners...

i should be so lucky to want
to let english occupy my mind...
but i can't count in english...
raz, dwa, trzy, cztery, piec, szesc, siedem,
osiem, dziewiec, dziesiec...
(sounds russian...
well, russian is low slavic...
it's doesn't allow the sort of french
finesse that polish employes)...
raz, dwa, trzy, cztery, pięć, sześć,
siedem (śιedem - is i or j a diacritical marker?
not really), osiem, dziewięć, dziesięć..

but at least with the english...
it's not a whip and forced integration...
the cocktail mixture will take time...
but if only one demand was to be made:
let not the ones integrating...
forget their mother tongue...
i only have this request...
globalism requires bilingualism...
once was the story of every child
becoming literate, being able to read, write...
now has to come the second tier of this dream...
the tongue of economics: english...
then the tongue of culture economics
(for export) - arabic, mandarin, russian...
and then?
whatever your heart desires...
norwegian, dutch, greek, italian...
turkish... urdu... take you pick...
since the dutch learned, since the belgians learned...
since the germans almost learned,
since the scandinavians learned...
it's about time the lazy english
the spanish and the french do so likewise!
i tried learning french...
i am pedantic about orthography...
but the french just overdid their diacritical
critique... they spell: to see,
and then cannibalise the spelling,
so you don't see -
and what remains is a missing suffix...
gone: whoosh! gone...
not to be seen...
plus... they stopped trilling the R... so.
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