Matthew Conrad

May 15, 1986 - Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
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let go my friend

at "some point": the lines were crossed;
or rather, where, iraqi drawn;
the chess pieces were moving
without b-diddly dylan's "a' chain be,
em em, cooming sooooon'";
can i disregard the common english
speaking pauper?
i have this fearful ambition of
joining their ranks...
i will never sieve out the salt from
the culprit woo....
i ask: what wooes the woad?
certain what give woo is not something
that is best ascribed to a: or any given woe...
pauper fuck-wit bonanza!
a ricochet boo-yah and...
late... very much late "up-setting"...
as there are the kept desires...
to just, let, go....
forward "thinking": last time i checked...
i wasn't... holding to to anything....
the last thing i placed a chequers with cheese
with... it could have died
its solemn death: of the all purposive...
gravitational pull!
daft enough to die:
says i... now? i'm free falling!
in the democratic recess of "scrutiny"...
of my voice "will be" heard:
vermin congregate...
forecaster: i do believe it's of some worth...
giving belief...
to the existence of weathermen and... women...
because weather requires old testament
preditions... never mind the predictions...
i will never leave the house being
surprised by: es ist regnet...
es ist regnet: blitz-regen-ein-feuer!
und... dies ist wie...
die englisch... niemals...
hätten ein konzept: für ein einheitlich-Europa...
island peoples...
are and were always island people...
aber: von ich gelernt...
this will become more a spectacular fail...
than the... vierte / dritte reich!
combined! when and only when...
i'll see the sctottish... bulge...
enzyme and pressure...
to begin to see: the post-colonial entropy
of the unionist jack...
to see yugoslavia translated into these islands...
the seemingly natural consequences...
kosovo and wales...
what's scotland... and lithuania
is far far away whenever borders
are invoked in the myre of soviets and h'americans?
and "now" it's some variant of fear?
when did not russopohobia make sense,
if not: when it wasn't, abused?
try an honest islamophobia statement:
but once... no....
but there's some russian to begrudge:
to fear...
this truly is... my best excuse of:
a bollock-whacking-striptease-crunch of
a better removed "squeeze"...
this tongue is this mouth is this stomach...
and for the better part?
all it requires is some toasted rye, bread.
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