Matthew Conrad

May 15, 1986 - Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
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just some etc.

i quite enjoy the meteorologist's fallacy -
well, getting the weather wrong -
i have become tired of meteorology prophesy -
tired of predictable weather -
i never watch the weather forecast,
because? i don't like living in a world
of predictability -
my grand-uncle died yesterday -
i have sat through many night-time
lightning storms - so hot that i only spotted
lightning - no rain...
lightning without thunder...
thunder... mind you...
when it booms, echoes...
always seems to spell out that
one ancient name of a modern conjuring:
KRA-KEN... cthulhu...
did h. p. lovecraft incubate some cymru in
himself or what?
SALVO! the amputee dances to the high
lightning no rain = no thunder...
i was playing the Thor role for a bit...
again and again: metaphors are:
touch shit: it turns to gold...
i never liked predictability -
two exhausted cats were sleeping in
the hallway on cold surfaces of
wood when i climbed down
for a refill...
i just had to "revise" the concept
of carmina in locus
and carmina in tempus...
obviously working from a difficult /
yet relateable focus...
using heidegger... heidegger's dasein...
there-being or rather: there's being -
"it" exists... whatever this / that "it" implies...
focus? highly exclusive...
it goes back to ethnicity...
it tickles the modern hebrew revival
of "the" state...
i'm sorry that i'm not sorry in
that: chanting the fucking acronym: U.S.A.
along with the remaining litany of acronyms
the h'americans are prone to use liberally...
one song... just one... merges the concept
of carmina in locus / carmina in tempus...
a rare event...
it inverts heidegger's dasein: da-sein
(there being: there's being)
into: sein-da... (being there)...
of course i wasn't there... how could i be...
but then there's the modern h'american
and the plagued english tradition of
giving a trajectory temporal focus for
neo genesis ex genesis veteris...
aren't all nations all people not inclined
to think back on the zenith?
the charge of the winged hussars
of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth...
from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea
the borders were so bloated...
sein-da: being there...
i wasn't there... but since the three partitions:
a place, a solid locus... became entrenched in
a temporal battle:
in time of passing... time became synonym with
space, a black hole, akin to Ishrael...
a concept space "contaminated" became
elevated toward the temporal concept of itself...
i'm not exactly a nationalist:
oh god forbid an ethno-centrist...
every time i visit my grandparents...
i'm scouting for the next indian,
the next black...
i'm sorry if Polack is not an accommodating
language as english...
peddle! peddle or drown!
if you can't tell apart:
sz ś š...
em... it's not like languages outside
the realm of english will allow you to: "fake it"...
will they?
what are you looking for?
you can pass accent in english...
but when a language enforces orthography:
an accent is allowed for subs -
i.e. kaszubian or silesian?
you're not going to integrate...
0.01% will...
if you were born in this feral land...
sein-da: being there...
only when a country was...
for a century wasn't... now is there... once more...
ogniem i mieczem: krzesimir dębski -
husaria ginie...
that song defines both space
& time... it defines it because it allocates
a time with a space existing and with the space
not existing...
hence? the temporal reference transcends
the casually: un-interrupted reference,
of what's typically lost... of an un-interrupted space...

that's why... heidegger's concept of "concern"
associated with dasein: "there" being, there: "being":
there's being...
can be inverted into:
sein:da - being "there"...
so easily can "da" become a "hier"...
what can an astronaut say of a copernican west
or south in outerspace?
very little...
but only under exceptional circumstances...
exceptional circumstance of:
communism working in countries having
to rebuild themselves after being plagued
by foreign invaders...
communism worked in poland...
it worked: because it was only supposed
to work in a temporal buffer sense...
3 generations max...
it could work in Syria...
no foreign investors...
till the Syrian butcher trusts a Syrian cabdriver
to restore civil cordiality...
i.e. no foreign investment... esp. h'american...
it worked: when it had to work...
not to topple over capitalism...
to make capitalism the perfect noumenon
agitation - to give capitalism momentum...
modern capitalism longs for
the sort of communism parasitical esque
momentum overlord...
notably in terms of the cultural export...
exceptional circumstances dictated by:
so... Sweden was neutral...
Switzerland was neutral...
but each received...
347 USD and 250 USD respectively...
fuck's sake, even Iceland received 43 USD..
(millions, yes, millions) -
here's to the warsaw pact marshall plan alt.:
we received imported communism
from the testing ground first implemented in...
that's where communism was first tested...
sure... socialism could work...
in exceptional, exceptional circumstances...
for about 3 generations...
it's self-proclaimed ontological
parameters as an ideology...
nicht hier: nicht jetzt...
yes: communism when there's no
marshall plan - no handouts...
yes: when you're so much fucked
in the ass that giving way to oral rape
is half of your worries being manifested...
here's to the new "me"...
why did i slash that moustache of mine...
now i look like Abraham fucking Lincoln...
beard: no tash...
or a fucking pakistani with a beard...
trimmed hair...
and no 'tash...
about to embrak on the Hajj!
then again... a moustache is a real
riddle of ergonomics...
when you sneeze... when you eat something
with sauce on it... when you drink something
that dons foam... petty things really
make the world go round...
petty things is what founded the world...
Pi = 3.14159265359...
O(micron) - the linear decimal that
lodges itself into a momentum of a circle...
and its (the cricles) rolling dynamic of never
reverting back to:
what decimal scalpel would cut the circle even?
apparently none... even if you used 3:
a triangle in a circle: to begin with!
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