Mary Jacqueline Simon Moo

Jacqueline S. Moore] (1926-2002 / Hannibal, Missouri,

I Am a Christian

I am a Christian, and I love the name,
Nor will I shrink thro' fear or guilty shame,
To tell the world that I belong to God-
Redeemed and washed in the atoning blood.

I am a Christian, and I'll bear the cross,
Tho' it exposes me to grief and loss;
My loving Lord who hung upon the tree,
Endured the cross, a heavier one, for me.

I am a Christian, cheered with inward grace
And by the smile which beams on Jesus' face,
O! may I act a Christian and proclaim
The saving power of my Redeemer's name.

I am a Christian, and I hope for heaven,
Because in Christ I feel my sins forgiven;
'Tis but a little while till he shall come
And take me with His ransomed people home.
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