Ludovic Lloyd

1573 - 1610

Flee, Stately Juno, Samos Fro

Flee, stately Juno, Samos fro,
From Delos straight, Diana go.
Minerva Athens must forsake,
Sidanen Queen your seat must take.

Sidanen conquers kings with quill,
Sidanen governs states at will.
Sidanen fears her foes with pen,
With peace Sidanen conquers men.

In Colchos had Sidanen been
The golden fleece then should she win.
To Ida had Sidanen gone
The golden apple she had won.

With palm in hand, with laurel crowned,
With olive decked she first was found.
In Parnasse mount with Muses nine
The tenth Sidanen there did shine.

From Brutus brood, from Dardane line,
Sidanen is that Phoenix fine.
From Camber's soil, from Hector's seed
Sidanen princely doth proceed.

The eagle's youth I wish this queen,
Acanthus-like to flourish green.
As serpents old do cast their skin,
Then she being old may youth begin.

With joyful days and Nestor's years
I wish to her and to her peers
That when Sidanen dyeth I crave
Mausolus tomb Sidanen have.

Flee, stately Juno, Samos fro,
From Delos straight, Diana go.
Minerva Athens must forsake,
Sidanen Queen your seat must take.

Sidanen conquers kings with quill,
Sidanen governs states at will.
Sidanen fears her foes with pen,
With peace Sidanen conquers men.

In Colchos had Sidanen been
The golden fleece then should she win.
To Ida had Sidanen gone
The golden apple she had won.

With palm in hand, with laurel crowned,
With olive decked she first was found.
In Parnasse mount with Muses nine
The tenth Sidanen there did shine.

From Brutus brood, from Dardane line,
Sidanen is that Phoenix fine.
From Camber's soil, from Hector's seed
Sidanen princely doth proceed.

The eagle's youth I wish this queen,
Acanthus-like to flourish green.
As serpents old do cast their skin,
Then she being old may youth begin.

With joyful days and Nestor's years
I wish to her and to her peers
That when Sidanen dyeth I crave
Mausolus tomb Sidanen have.
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