Kanika Sharma

December 26,1998-India
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Why She Asked?

What is freedom?? Asked a 6 year old
She was synchronized in the rainbonic dreadful dream of signifying freedom with that Bird fly.. .

Years went on, season changed , leaves fallen from the trees went back to those trees, ice was cleared by the usher on soothing sun spark
That innocency got modified into adulteration..
Same question, same person with difference serenity with different colors of nature

This time the question wasn't asked.. . An unquestioned question was answered..
Now, that bird became flyless, wingless
All things was cutted feather of the bird.. .
Now that bird will never fly
Now it is kept under the cage
The suffering of that cage was long
But all she can do was suffer .. . .
All alone, on her own, on her own.. . .
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