John Vicars

1617-1648 / England

To The Courteous Readers

Antèus-like I long haue fought a fight
But, find in conflict a Superiour might.
Oft haue I wrastled, but still foild and fell'd
By my Competitor am farre excell'd.
Witnesse my weaknesse in this last assault,
Forc'd heere and there to tyre, retyre and hault.
And marueile not, (kind Readers) though I sweat,
Hauing to doe with this Alcides great.
Whose Policie and Power I haue found such,
As ere to equallize is too-too-much
But heer's my comfort, though those Champions fought
With Ire most dire to th'Death to fight it out,
Yet our Contention is with sweet desire,
My Authors Loue and Thine how to acquire
Which if I gaine, as tis my Hope I shall,
I'le not thus flie, but trie another fall.
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