Janet Hamilton

1795-1873 / Scotland

On Seeing A Thousand Sabbath School Children

Walk In Procession To Visit The Garden And Pleasure Grounds of Drumpeller House
What went ye out to see?
A Queen gone joyous forth
Awhile to wander free
On mountains of the north,
While loyal thousands press and strain
Around her car, a glimpse to gain?
One greater far than she
This day has gone abroad
With thousand children; see
Them marshalled on the road-
To such was Jesus' blessing given;
Of such the kingdom is of heaven.
What went ye out to see?
A huge transparent dome,
Where marvels all that be
Found short but glorious home?
These childish forms hold gems more bright
Than jewell'd Spain or Mount of Light.
When Summer crown'd the hours,
Proud City of the West,
In rarest fruits and flowers
Thy princely squares were dressed-
But from these human plants shall rise
Flowers that shall bloom in Paradise.
What went ye out to see?
A corpse not laid to rest
(As all earth's sons should be)
In her maternal breast,
But cered in darkly symboll'd tomb
Drawn from old Egypt's mythic gloom?
No heathen symbol here
We seek in vain to prove;
Your symbol, children dear,
Be still the Lamb, the Dove.
Oh, may the Lamb your sins atone,
The Holy Dove seal you His own!
What went ye out to see?
A Christian teacher band,
Whose labours-loving, free-
Our grateful thanks demand;
And ye, God's shepherds, set to feed
His lambs, may ye be blest indeed!
And, Lady, young and fair,
To whom is given the grace
To make the young thy care,
And aged want solace-
May'st thou life's choicest blessings prove,
And reap thy full reward above!
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