James King Annand

1908-1993 / Edinburgh

Action Stations

‘A-a-ll the starboard watch!'
‘Shairly no again!
What's the wather like?'
‘Cauld, wi sleet and rain.'

‘Lofty. Depth-charge sentry.
Knocker. You're stand-by.
Haggis. On the gun.
Shorty. Make some ky.

… Watch is all closed up, sir.'
‘Keep a good look-out.
Latest wireless signal
Says Jerry is about.'

… ‘Echo two-three-five!'
‘What's it sound like, Ping?'
‘Could be a sub, sor.'
‘Good show. Hold the thing.'

…‘What's it doing now, Ping?'
‘Moving roight a bit.'
‘OK. Action stations.
Subby, press that tit!'

Clatter, clatter, dunt.
Seaboots on the deck.
‘Batten down the hatches.'
‘Wot the bleeding ‘eck?'

‘Steady as you go.'
‘Ay-ay, sir, she's steady.'
‘Charges cleared away,
Depths all set and ready.'

‘Instant echoes now, sor.'
‘Here we go then, squire.
I'm laying even money.
Depth charges! Stand by! Fire!'

Plop, bang, plop.
No a whisper noo,
Waitin on the WOWF
That'll gie the ship a grue.

‘Christ, that was a beezer.
I wonder if we got her.'
‘I shouldn't be … look you
There's wreckage on the water.'

‘Out scrambling nets.
Away sea-boat's crew.
To prove we've had a kill
We'll want a bod or two.'

‘Aircraft green two-oh!'
‘Blast this bludy swell.'
‘Here comes Jerry now.'
‘Gie the bastard hell.'

‘Strafing ‘is own matlows.
Mikes you blooming fink.'
‘If that's the way they want it
We'll let the bastards sink.'
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