Isaac Watts

17 July 1674 – 25 November 1748 / Southampton / England

Psalm 119 Part 6

Holiness and comfort from the word.

ver. 128

Lord, I esteem thy judgments right,
And all thy statutes just;
Thence I maintain a constant fight
With every flatt'ring lust.

ver. 97,9

Thy precepts often I survey;
I keep thy law in sight,
Through all the business of the day,
To form my actions right.

ver. 62

My heart in midnight silence cries,
"How sweet thy comforts be!"
My thoughts in holy wonder rise,
And bring their thanks to thee.

ver. 162

And when my spirit drinks her fill
At some good word of thine,
Not mighty men that share the spoil
Have joys compared to mine.
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