Gordana Benić

1950 / Split

And The Moon Sinks Into The Swamp

Angel Emanuel saw there was Moon no more, no birth, no life, no death
The souls of the dead dwell in gardens, among the ants. They are the elder gardeners in the rainforests

Grey windows and the wall, sections of railway track, may be observed from several kilometres' distance
Parts of boats hang above the rails, illuminated; sandy bottoms conceal vast fragments of reality

I saw the statue of the Virgin, a Black Madonna with hollow eyes, sitting in blossom with the Christ Child, and the other, hanging above the hill on a field of golden stars
Our Lady under a baldachin, adorned with a crown of shining leaves. She walked across the sandy beach in silence

The man born Elton Jones changed his name to Meadows. At the last many a pilot would fain fly in Harriers, until a sacred lightning halted them at the wave's edge
When the soldiers drowned, so many asked John the Baptist: what shall we do? It's an unusual tale

On the fourteenth day after the spring tide and the Full Moon, the holes in the villas of the Roman Patriarchs became solid ground
Those who procured gold, amber and precious spices in strange ways, they blossomed in the canopies, among dog roses

The stormwind blew a woman from the high hill. She floated above the valley's yellow fern, silently she came to earth encircled by the wide hem of a black robe
Since then no one in Lubenice, high on the cliff, remembers history; only the clouds pass in through the windows, rest upon the terraces

Translation: 2007, Kim Burton
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