Giuseppe Gioacchin Belli

7 September 1791 – 21 December 1863 / Rome

L'Innustria (Striving)

Un giorno che arrestai propio a la fetta,
Senz'avé manco l'arma d'un quadrino,
Senti che cosa fo: curro ar camino
E roppo in quattro pezzi la paletta.

Poi me l'invorto sott'a la giacchetta,
E vado a spasso pe Campovaccino
A aspettà quarche ingrese milordino
Da daje una corcata co l'accetta.

De fatti, ecco che viè quer c'aspettavo.
"Siggnore, guardi un po' quest'anticaja
C'avemo trovo jeri in de lo scavo?"

Lui se ficca l'occhiali, la scannaja,
Me mette in mano un scudo e dice: "Bravo!"
E accusì a Roma se pela la quaja.

One day, I had really gone penniless,
I had no money at all,
And this is what I did: I ran to the fire-place
And broke the shovel into four pieces.

Then I wrapped it up in my jacket,
And went walking along Campo Vaccino ,
Waiting for some sofisticated English gentleman ,
So to swindle him well.

And what I was waiting for, actually happened.
"Sir, would you take a look at this antique
We found yesterday while excavating?"

He wears his glasses, examines it,
Gives me a shilling and says: "Good job!"
In Rome, this is how we scrape a living.
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