David Kirby

1944 / United States

I Have Not Come Here to Compare Notes But to Sit Together in the Stillness at the Edge of This Wound

Asked if it isn't weird to be at an awards ceremony with Gregory Peck,
Dylan says, "Well, listen, everything's weird. You tell me something

that's not weird." He might as well have said "big," that his songs are
a witness to magnitude, that your poems are. And why shouldn't they be?

Look at the epic of your life, at the people in it, all heroic. And to think
it began with an accident. Somebody looked up at the night sky and saw a star,

somebody in Cracow or Belgrade, maybe, or the city where you live now.
Carbon, nitrogen . . . there was an explosion, and now you have to pay attention

to everything. At the party, everyone was talking about the crappy TV series
that's so popular, and you didn't say you wanted better, wanted more.

That same night, you met the man you'd love so hard it made your teeth hurt.
He said, "Hey, baby," and you snapped, "I'm not your baby."

I have nothing to say to you, really. I just want to see what I'm looking at.
I want so much not to listen to you after all this time but to hear.
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